The Shakes

Hello, Dear Reader and members of The Tribe,

As I begin my journey to toward publishing again (short stories, poems, and novellas, at first, but a novel being the ultimate goal), I find I had to do something important first.

Write! Um, hello? Yes, I have to write.

I've been feeling the urge to write. It's like an itch beneath my skin that I must scratch or it will not go away. I have found that stories beg to be written. They will haunt me as voices, whose whispers echo around the eaves of my mind until I do their bidding and let the story out. It is only when the story has found life on the page that the urge will go away for THAT particular tale. Then, another voice will begin to whisper ...

I find it is like an addiction. Writing is something that I can't not do. I get the mental equivalent of the shakes and I get depressed. Maybe it's simply repressed creativity? I don't know. I just know I am weak and lazy when it comes to doing things that are hard and writing -- when you do it properly -- is hard.

Today, I am going to begin working on a SciFi short story I have been thinking about for a couple of years now. It is the sequel to a short story I had published several years ago in The Martian Wave and then in Sam's Dot Publishing's annual anthology Wondrous Web Worlds. The story, "The Migration of Frost," received a pretty good review from a writer at The Kansas City Review. Now, I am working on a sequel to that story and I've called it "Pioneer." I suppose I could present You with "The Migration of Frost," but I'm actually wanting to include it with the completed "Pioneer" as a compilation novella.

I will report my progress later as I exorcise another story from my psyche.

Until then, Dear Reader and members of The Tribe, enjoy your day and give life to The Goal -- whatever Yours may be.

-- L.A.


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