Life Happens

Good evening, Dear Reader, and members of the Tribe,

Okay. I have said it before and I will say it again: Writing is HARD. This is why good writers may have a love/hate relationship with it. I may not have posted on Tuesday, as was my goal, but I am now posting for a second time this week. So, I say small victories are good, too.

I have made a little progress on my outline for Pioneer. I have found that my natural ability to be distracted, combined with the demands of my schedule, is a huge obstacle in meeting my goals. However, I am going to meet those goals. So will You. Recently, I thought of a poem I wrote called "Whispers," and it made me think of all of You out there who want to CREATE. We will all light the way for each other. I'm going to post that poem here and I hope you enjoy it. In the meantime, remember that life happens (as the cliche goes), but we must not let it take control of us to the extent that our creativity is crushed under the weight of days and responsibilities.



By L.A. Story

I first
Came to
I was blind.

It did not
Take long
For me to
Realize I had
No handicap.

In truth, I was
Stranded …
Alone in

I entertained
Technicolor images –
Visions unshared –
Behind my eyelids
And I spoke from 
My own moon calf mind
For countless midnights.

I was alone
… I thought until
I heard a whisper in the dark.
I listened -- hearing the
Whisper and the mysterious
Rustlings suggestive of
The presence of another
In my dark realm.

A tiny flame sparked
Into existence and the
Faint illumination
Of the infant glow
Suggested treasures
surrounded me
In a space far more
Vast than I suspected.

I heard another whisper …
… And another … and another.
With each whisper, Another flame ignited
Until a language coalesced and the dark was
Bled out by the flames of visions shared.
The velvet blackness was a universe
Of teeming life and the whispers
– and the whisperers –
Were the light.



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