Watch out for wandering minds and hidden memory chips

Good morning, dear Tribe! 

I hope everyone has had a good week. I have been doing okay as I have set off on the adventure that is my life -- working for paychecks that are already gone before they reach my bank account. So many bills, so little time .... ahh, but life doesn't have to be that way, does it? It's all about keeping one's sense of humor. I have to laugh. Life is ridiculous sometimes. It's wonderful and ridiculous and it is the little things that can bring us so much joy. 

This past week, the thing that amused me most was how I knew I was aggravating people who had to repeat things to me. Someone was telling me something and I was looking right into her face and I would have to have her repeat half of what she said because my mind was on something else. If I am working on something else, or have other things on my mind, then it is hard for me to focus on any one thing. It can make for interesting situations.

The "conversation" can go something like this:

"So, LA, I am having these issues with my car."

This initially grabs my attention. "Really? What's going on?"

"Well, I got into my car this morning and it just wouldn't crank. It's one of those push button kinds and ....

(**I am now thinking about this book I am writing and how to make it more realistic and compelling. I need to add more details. The problem is that I want to get to the exciting stuff and the smaller details are just like blah-blah-blah-blah. Intellectually, I know that these types of details are -- in their own way -- just as important as the more exciting parts where the bigger action takes place, but it's just so hard to focus, be patient, and work through those details. Oh, wait! I'm in a conversation. DANG IT!)

"... so, then Stacy gave me a ride to work today."

Me: "How are you getting home?"

"I think Stacy can give me a ride again, but I don't know what I will do tomorrow because Stacy is off and ... "
(**I wonder what we are going to do about dinner tonight. Let's see ... what do we have in the house. I have to buy groceries this weekend. I think we have some chicken drumsticks. Do we have barbecue sauce? I could do barbecue chicken. Yep, that's sounds so good. Wow. I'm hungry ... I know it has to be getting close to lunchtime. What is today's special at the diner next door? Wait .. Do I hear a voice? Oh ... yeah ... I was involved in a conversation ...)

"So, it looks like I will have to take my car to the nearest dealer, which is 70 miles away."

Me: "Oh, Honey, that sucks! Is there anything I can do to help?"

(See? That was pretty slick, right? The only problem is when someone asks me a question and expects an answer. I can't fake that ... I would have had to be paying attention to do that. Oh, WAIT! I was writing a blog ... sigh ....)

 I used to try to fake paying attention, but I realized that I simply can't fake it when I am being asked a question. Getting older has been a great liberator for me. Now, I don't care. I'll just admit it.

"I'm sorry ... I just totally drifted off. How long was I out? I'm back now. I'm so distracted this morning. Can you please start from the beginning and I will try to stay with you."

Speaking of getting older, that is the OTHER issue that bugs me lately when it comes to my mind and the way it is working -- or not working. I have found that someone will ask me about something and I will scan my memory banks for the answer. I can feel the answer is RIGHT THERE but I just can't access it. he memory chip is hidden or stuck or SOMETHING. The answer usually comes to me within 24 hours. My friends know to expect a text or a call at 2 a.m. with me joyfully proclaiming "Sean Connery!" My friends usual responses go something like: "What the heck are you talking about? And, why are you calling me at 2 a.m.? Freak!" This is usually followed by hanging up or a series of colorful epithets, depending on the hour.

Oh, well. That's what is on my mind today. How about you? I promise, I'll try really hard to pay attention. Go ahead ... Tell LA all about your day ....

I hope you all have a wonderful week. Consider yourselves hugged and I hope that your minds stay more focused than mine AND you have easy access to your memory chips! 

-- LA


  1. I started wondering as I was reading this if I'd remembered to flip the laundry and what's for dinner and where'd I leave my list(s) of stuff I wanted to remember today ...

  2. Honey? Did you hear anything I said?... (Lee Ann) No.... (me) (growling) Nevermind... (Lee Ann) No, tell me what you said, please (me) (repeating the comment) (Lee Ann) What? can you please repeat that... I spaced out for a moment... I was thinking about what I'm going to write for my next blog post. (me) Nevermind.... (sigh)


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