Hereby Resolving: The 2014 Manifesto

I LOVE making New Year's resolutions. I have oft documented how much I enjoy the idea of a fresh start. So many people I know never make a resolution because they know they never intend to keep it. In fact, I have had people actually get a little hostile toward me whenever I ask them if they are going to make a New Year's resolution. They often provide me with some snarky responses.

Forget that crap! I say GO FOR IT! Let's all just take a childlike leap of faith, throw caution to the wind, and just resolve the heck out of 2014!! I saw one of my Facebook friend's posts this morning. It was a cartoon that basically stated if you are going to fail, then fail BIG! 

Let's just pull out all the cliches and dust them off. Let's paint 2014 Town red, take no prisoners, let's party like it's 1999, and let's blow 2014's doors off! 

I will believe I can do it! Will it last more than 24 hours? Um. Maybe, maybe not. But, until the resolution is broken, the POTENTIAL for achieving ALL our goals is there. We have a fresh start. Every day is another chance to climb up goal mountain. So, why are we so afraid to try? I refuse to be a coward!

So, with that in mind, I'm going to declare my 2014 Manifesto: 

1. I will finish my novel, The Gifted, by April 1st. 

2. I will lose weight and get into better shape.

3. I will become more organized and try to do something worthwhile EVERY day. 

4.  I will save money (somehow) this year. 

5. I will enjoy more quiet times with family and friends. 

I have more things I want to improve but I think that will do for now.  Benjamin Franklin once said, "They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

I resolve every year to lose weight. Am I skinny yet? Heck, NO! Did I lose some weight from last year? Actually, yes. Does it matter? Not a bit. Because it is the willingness to keep trying that means one day I will succeed in whatever I choose to do. 

Let me preach another Benjamin Franklin saying, "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." 

Happy New Year to the Tribe! I hope everyone does something worthwhile today that will set the tone for their fresh start -- their newborn year. 



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