Making Decisions and Taking Risks

Good afternoon! I hope all members of The Tribe are enjoying their Labor Day weekend.

Well, Dear Readers,

I am in the middle of a HUGE lifestyle change and at times it is so hard! I have had a weight problem for a long time -- and it's been worse since I have gotten off steroids for my illness. I am 47 years old. I like to think I eat well ... but I do like too much junk. I have tried different diets. Heck, I've been on a diet most of my adult life. It never really lasts more than a couple days or so before I'm absolutely stark raving mad from hunger and deprivation and then I pretty much eat everything in sight. It is then that I give up and just eat what I want until I feel I have the emotional strength to try another diet. I had given up hope.

Until now.

I am proud to say that I am on Day 7 of a healthier eating plan -- a plan that is slow carb, gluten free, and a general whole foods approach -- and have begun exercising. I have an illness that is degenerative and has devastated my joints. So, I had to think hard to find an exercise to begin with that would not stress out my joints -- my knees in particular. Swimming is the only exercise that I have ever enjoyed. Ever. Period. I hate walking ... it bores me ... exercise bikes hurt my butt ... an elliptical machine is better, and kind of fun for about 10 minutes; then, the whole boredom thing sets in again.

Oh, and I hate to sweat. Ewwwww. 

Well, last week I joined a gym and started swimming. The first day was killer. The next day was much better. The gym was closed for the weekend, but I packed my gym bag and found myself anticipating my next swim. Seriously, I can't wait. Who knew? I have lost six pounds so far.

It is my dearest hope is that I will become my own success story.

The benefit of all this is that I find I am calmer in some ways. This is hard for me. I agonize over EVERYTHING! However, since I am not munching down on high fat, greasy potato chips, I find I am now looking toward writing again. (You just KNEW I'd bring this back to writing, didn't you? Surely, you knew that.)

I began working on the first novel I have ever written. It was a Fantasy/SciFi romance called, JEREMY. I never typed it. I wrote it while my children were tiny ... 400 pages of my horrid scrawl. But, it was a pretty good story. So ... I was just playing around last night and found myself with 500 words. Today, I am going for 1,000. We'll see what happens.

I hope everyone out there has a great week! And, I also hope you are all doing something creative to express yourselves. Go draw, write, paint, sing, play an instrument ... whatever you do ... just put your passion into it. Use it to discover yourself. You will find your deepest heart in expressing yourself. You might even be surprised at what you find.


 I'm outta here.

-- L.A.


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