Yesterday, I wrote a word

Good Evening, Members of The Tribe, 

I hope you are all living the lives of which you have always dreamed. I have been a busy little thing. I have been working on a first draft of my novel, The Gifted, and anticipate it will be completed by January 2015. Publication? Well .... (scuffs toe at the dirt) ... we'll see. I will have a LOT of polishing to do. 

Since my last post oh-so-long-ago, I have moved into a new home, begun a new job with a new company, and have made some life-changing choices. 

For the past few years, I was excited when I managed to create a word or two. I wrote lots of poetry because it was an easier form for me to enjoy -- creatively speaking -- than my fiction. Yeah, I know, I know ... poetry is a noble art form and all that. I won't argue. I love poetry. I love writing and reading it. Jeez! Calm down ... It's just that I have always wanted to be a fiction writer. A novelist. 

For too long, I have not been living up to who I am. To be honest, I think I've been afraid to let loose and just do what I want to do ... no, what I need to do. I have been a coward and I could just kick my own butt sometimes. 

No more. 

So ... back in November, there was the annual NANOWRIMO thing going on. (You have one month to compose a 50,000 word first draft of a novel.)  My sis, Betty Jo, text messages me and says, "Hey, I'm going to do this. You want to do this with me? We need to stop talking about being writers and just do it. No more dreaming. Let's be doers." 

I agreed to do it. What I didn't tell my sister was that I was scared. I have a habit of quitting when it gets too hard and I have a lot going on in my life. November is a busy season. Still ... I agreed to do it, but I was afraid of the enormity of it. 

What happened was a miracle. It woke us both up. We were exhausted ... it was hard, but we both hit the 50K word mark. She has finished her first draft, but mine is a much longer novel. However, I am nearing the end of the first draft. 

Can I get an "AMEN?!" Thank you, Lord! 

I say this to all of you out there who have a dream. Is there another version of you? The "you" that you think you are supposed to be? The "you" you have in your head. I am working on being more authentic. 

It sounds easy, but it's really the most frightening thing for most of us for a variety of reasons. There are consequences for being authentic ...for being true to who you are. 

I am learning to be braver ... stronger and I feel like I am gradually getting myself back again after many years of denying my calling. 

So .... yesterday, I wrote a word .... but today ...I am composing novels. 

Cheer me on, Tribe. I will be the first to stand in line to return the favor! 

Go, go, GO!

Hugs are on the house. 

Until next time,



  1. This time next year people will buying The Gifted!!! How's that???

    1. From your mouth to God's ear, sweet lady!! :D And, you'll have more books out there and earning some bigger bucks!

  2. We ALL will have books out there and earning us money and SATISFACTION!


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