Becoming the Spectator
Good afternoon, Members of The Tribe, I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's day. I enjoyed mine -- I really enjoyed walking around at work and randomly yelling, "Happy V.D., everyone!" There were some laughs ... and some grimaces ... Hey, not everyone has a sense of humor. My husband, who is a wonderful poet, wrote me a poem for Valentine's Day and I made a special dinner. We topped it off by watching the RUSH documentary, "Beyond the Lighted Stage." It was actually a really happy, fun little evening. You all know I may babble about my personal life, but sooner or later, I'm going to come around and talk about something to do with creativity. I think it is through these our art - our creativity - that we connect with others in the human experience and we also learn about ourselves. Well, we will learn if we are Tribal, that is. (**See previous blogs to know what I mean by being "Tribal.") Do you know when I started becomin...