Learning to Create ...
Hello, Dear Reader ... (or Dear Writer -- whichever is the case), Before I launch into my latest writing sermon, please let me make an announcement! All this preaching I have done about sitting down and WRITING has paid off! It has been YEARS since I finished such a volume of work and recently I have submitted a short story and it was accepted for publication last week!! The story is called, "The Longest Season," and you will find it this summer in Alban Lake Publishing's "Outposts of Beyond 2013." The editor, Mr. Lake, will also be publishing my poem, "Cap'n Jones," as a reprint in that same publication. Then ... THIS week ... I had another poem accepted for publication! It was a vampire poem called, "Forever" and it will be published in "Moonshadow: A Collection of Vampire Poetry." I also submitted a second poem, but I do not know if he will accept that one yet. Needless to say, I am more motivated than EVER to get so...