A Kid Named Larry
Hello, Dear Reader, and fellow Tribe members, I am here to say that I actually accomplished my goal for last week and that was to finish an outline that will help me complete my complication novella -- Pioneer . I did it!! I actually managed to finish the outline with special thanks to a brainstorming session with my dear friend, Shanan. (Insert happy dance here.) Goals for this week: 1. Two posts for the week 2. Write through sections one and two on Pioneer . Each goal brings me closer to what I want to accomplish and the little dialog here helps keep me going Dear Reader. I may be back on later to post some more thoughts on the subject of meeting goals, but until then I thought I post another one of my published short stories. The one I chose is called "A Kid Named Larry" and it was published in December, 2003 in EOTU Ezine (Editor Larry Dennis). This story is a strange and humorous take on the weird kid at school. I hope you like it. Until the next time we me...